
The past
The presently
The future.
They are time's memory.



I'm morning, your night.
I'm afternoon, your morning.
I'm night, your aftrnoon.
we are time is differn.
but we are take a messenger.
This morning
not dark not light.
instatly sun is comming.
I'm so very very funny!
He is messengr with me.
but we are not meet.
he is gonn Germany, I live Korea.
I will go to the Germany.(maybe...)

I hate wife!!!
because, it is slowly. and break...
Quick rennig and tallking my teacher.
I have a dream, I wish is not change.
but wish is secret.


'Beauty inside out' is Korean moving.
It is Lovestory.
Man is change the face.
Women, girl, boy and grandmother, gransfother. but they are love one women.
Together With my sister look the moving,
'beauty in side out'.
The apple is my breakfast.
no green apple, no red apple.
Tow color mix apple.
It' sweet and delicious.
so I like apple!
The moon light is good!
moon light come in my room.
and disturb my sleep!!





Today is raining day and my friend go to the Germany.
but, I big mistake is not anything call him,
may be yesterday I call hem  and  meet, today is not  missing
I like ran. and I will missing him, the raining day.

Rain is come in.
I like rain's sound.
because,  listen to the variety sound.


My tep book ungerd.
Window 8 form Window 10.
Ungred is long time but design is pilished.

a goblin

Twinkling stars

clean a room this morning form afternoon.
end the clean, I eating the ice cream.

The move 'Fantastic 4' is not impression. just four hero rescue to earth.
but I remember.
'One people is not strong. but like minded people together with they are strong.'


Today dinner is pork, sausage and broiled eels, eaten with my family.
Happy dinner, Happy story and funny story together.

Sweet cream....
How many kilometer Korea ~ Germany, Germany ~ USA and Korea ~ USA?


What can I do?
Rain is coming!!
A little black spider and back ground with black, spot is red ladybug
they are morning, open the eyes first see insect.
All window is closed.
they are how come in my room..


Pitch Perfect 1 and Pitch Perfect 2: Unpretty girls is good~!!
Today lunch is noodles, an orange and fried food!
It's to boring...
Animation, 'Jack and The Cuckoo- Clock Hart' is
sad and darkness, dispirited...but it was impression
also, ost is good!



Real anything do not, how do you improve?
not sleep
not reading a book
not computer
Just I don like anything...
하늘에선 천둥이 치고
내 마음은 답답하고..
집은 덥다...
Come back home.
and I'm tired...


아무렇게나 떠오르는 내 생각들을
영어로 표현하고 싶은데 
잘 안 돼서 답답하다...
꿈을 꾼다.
이루어 질지 안 이루어질지 모르는 묘한 꿈을..
그 꿈을 계속 꾸면 이루어질까?
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk

-Anna Kendrick 'When i'm gone'-

Rain is sound good!
Minion rush is fun!

A spider move

We have a name.
the Tree, the clouds, and people.....everyone, everything.
we must call the name.
because, name is open the mind. you and me.
My SNS is Face book, Instagram, Twitter and Blogger...

I just....
Blogger Korea with Korea language,
Blogger Google chrome with English language?
But, I'm not ability English.......


Tonight listen to the music is
animation, Jack and The Cuckoo-Clock Heart ost - Miss Sprite.

아니면 그냥 넘어갈까?
저녁에는 조용한 음악,
아침과 낮에는 신나는 음악~
(Night is piano music, Moring and afternoon is electronic music.)

Animation, Jack and The Cuckoo-Clock Heart OST

구글 크롬 블로그에서 번역해주는 영어가 아닌
내가 직접 영어를 번역할 수 있었으면 좋겠다.....
(Google chrome blogger's translation English different.
I want my self English translation's blogger.) 
아이스크림은 맛있다!
시원해서 더 맛있다!
(Ice cream is delicious.)
치과 치과 치과..
한 달에 한 번은 치과가는 날....//
(Dentistry dentistry dentistty....
own month is going to the dentistry.)

Happy Day

Translate에서 번역을 해 줘서 다행이다..
문득 든 생각인데,
블로그가 내 이야기가 아닌 생각을 쓰는 거였나....?
(Translate is English translation.
I think...... my story is write the blogger?)
크롬 블로그와 느낌이 다른 내 블로그
(Different chrome blogger and NAVER blogger.)
내 블로그는 공유하는 것 보단
내 이야기를 쓰는 게 더 많다.
네이버 블로그도 그렇고 구글 크롬 블로그도 그렇고....
설정하는 것이 쉬운게 아니네...
특히 내가 쓴 글을 태그하는거....
그냥 쓰면 되는 줄 알았는데//

음악, 영화 혹은 책을 공유하려면 어떻게 해야할까.....

블로그 시작!
하지만, 내가 하고 있는 블로그와 달라서 어색하다.